- 1.1% organic matter.
- Previous failed vegetation attempt.
- No supplemental watering.
- Landfill cap required successful vegetation.
A previous vegetation attempt in 2017 rested in only sunflowers... a weed not in the seed mix used on the site. Significant rilling and erosion on the site due to a lack of desirable vegetation occurred. Additionally, successful vegetation at sufficient density was required to ensure liner protection.
A soil test showed the soil on the site had no significant issues, aside from a very low organic matter content of 1.1% organic matter. Quality topsoil contains 5% organic matter, so the site was very sufficient, and that was thus the likely culprit n the previous failed vegetation. Biotic Earth applied at 3,500 lbs. per acre was approved for the site to add back the much needed organic matter as well as to provide improved cation exchange capacity and water holding capacity.

Initial vegetation results far exceeded the previous one achieved without the use of Biotic Earth. Vegetation continues to come in and as of 3 months post installation already exceed 60% vegetation cover on the site.