• Limited access
• No supplemental watering
• No fertilizer
• Heavy clay soils
An area along the shoreline of the Assiniboine River was eroding due to water level changes and wave action from boats. The engineer (KGS Group) designed a riprap toe to reinforce the lower shoreline and had originally specified four inches of imported topsoil and sod for the upper section. After the initial design, hydraulic options were considered as alternatives due to limited access.
Biotic Earth, used in conjunction with a BFM product, came back at one third the price of sod and topsoil, and half the price of the other soil amendment products and was therefore chosen for the shoreline restoration- under one condition. The engineer required that all alternatives were to be guaranteed for success.
• Biotic Earth: 3,900kg/ha (3,500lbs/ac).
• Native riverbank seed mix.
• No fertilizers of any kind due to proximity to the river.
• No supplemental watering.
August 1st, 2015- all revegetation goals met and exceeded. Less than one month after installation, with no supplemental watering and no fertilizer applied during installation, substantial germination and growth of the native seed is noted.

By only two months after installation, the native seed mix had vegetated so successfully the engineer, KGS Group, and the City of Winnipeg inspectors declared they were satisfied with the results. The property owner was pleased with the stabilization and revegetation results, and with the substantial cost savings on the project.